High Rollers — Major Betting Players

High rollers are the oldest category of betting players. They appeared as soon as a system of contributions was formed for various events. They are rich people for whom 10, 100, 1000 dollars are just dust. Such bettors bet at least several thousand on one market. Looking at this picture, envy, anger, disappointment may appear unwittingly.

Most of the newcomers lose a lot, learn for years, create their own tactics, ideal for success in the form of an income of 3-6 thousand dollars/month. This figure is a symbol of a good, even excellent result in the field of domestic betting. Are some able to reach an exorbitant level?

Do not rush to be disappointed in your own achievements. As a rule, professional players do not become high rollers. There are developers who reach the revenue bar of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Many of them are our compatriots. Business training or personal growth courses “there are no unattainable goals” are recalled here.

Most often, bettors with big money are those who made a fortune in other areas. For example, in the same business. Such people live at a different income level, where $10,000 is equal to the average $100-200. The last digits are the norm for a better bet. But pros and high rollers are not the same thing. These are two categories of players with different principles.

Difference of approaches

We figured out that high rollers are people who are used to risking big money. The probability of losing money is always there. Professionals minimize risks, but do not completely eliminate them. It is one thing when you risk $100, and another when it comes to losing $10,000. For high rollers, this is not critical. Moreover, it does not hit them afford. This is the first distinguishing feature of this category of players.

These bettors are prepared to lose significant sums of money for their own pleasure. They will receive it in any case: with a gain and a loss. Of great importance is excitement. In this, some of the rich look like amateurs. These are representatives of the average class of players, from which the shops receive large profits. Amateurs are very passionate, which is why they lack game brakes. Because of this, such amateur bettors often drain the pot.

The result is empty pockets, addiction and other troubles. Some high rollers are very wealthy amateurs. For ease of understanding: their passion goes ahead of the instinct of self-preservation. However, they are ready to lose large amounts, staying afloat. Of course, not without precedents. Excessive excitement can lead financially secure to the same dependence and loss of fortune.

Pro-bettor not risk large sums. You can achieve success by adhering to strict rules. At the head of this list is a fixed bet amount. There is an upper limit for each category of professional betting players. Ignoring leads to a series of losses.

However, there are pros with an aggressive game method. As you know, due to the large amounts of contributions, they achieve a corresponding profit. A series of losses is offset by a large win. But they are also far from sky-high tens or millions of thousands of dollars. At the head is tactics, common sense, calculation. This is not characteristic of most moneybags. This is the difference between the gaming approaches of the two categories of bettors.

Professionals adhere to the system from different angles of the game. It concerns not only individual achievements. Often, developers create a network of partners, a system. It consists in recruiting a team of beginners and specialists. For many pros, sports betting is not additional, but the main income. This is their element, life. Working alone is not easy.

To reach a new level, such pro-bettor collect command. There are proven schemes. In some, trained specialists are involved, and in others, beginners. The latter are especially popular. Using them, a professional gets the opportunity not only to form an intelligent team for free, but also to earn on training.

The result is a group of specialists, each member of which performs certain functions. At the same time, the amount of turnover can reach hundreds of thousands, but the cooperative will have a number of advantages:

  • proven tactics;
  • the mass of shops available for the game;
  • many sources with additional information;
  • at times greater efficiency due to the command structure.

The amount is the same, but the prospects are much greater. There are many similar examples. Everyday life of a pro-bettor is more interesting and more productive than that of a high roller. In the morning, they can make a couple of bets, do forecasting at lunch, and in the evening, train their own team. And at every stage they make a profit. Bets are direct income, and the forecast can be put up for sale. Learning to play on bets today is in demand, which will also bring additional income.

The rich have a completely different approach. They can have a bite with a friend to win the match, and bet $30,000 on the opposite result to their outcome solely on their principle. Analytics, forecasting, long preparation — this will not happen. Another difference between just financially independent and professional bettors.

Rich pros

There are two ways to earn big money without a head: to be born in a non-poor family or to become a part of it. The second option should be understood as a wedding, adoption, and more. Most wealthy people are educated, cunning, calculating representatives of the wealthy class. Circling them around your finger is difficult. In any case, they rely not only on intuition, but also on their own experience.

Sports betting is a niche business. Either shops or players earn money in it. There is a layer in the face of the same amateurs who are considered sources of free face value. If we are not talking about a spoiled child of a businessman from Forbes magazine, then a high roller is a dangerous rival for the bookmaker. Especially if they learned to bet on sports along with the average players and developers.

From prosperous class excellent professionals are sometimes obtained. They have no financial constraints. An ordinary pro will recover from losing $500 for a while. It’s about replenishing finances and raising morale. The rich pro is not afraid of losing. They always risk an amount that is not critical to their wallet. Moreover, their earnings from bets are much higher. Today there are a variety of betting tools.

However, quality products cost accordingly. High roller again gets the advantage. The result is an explosive mixture of a rich, charged and trained developer who is able to ruin the average shop. For this reason, BSs work with this category of players with caution.

Professional high rollers do not bet for profit. For them, this is a hobby, a way of self-expression, the achievement of another success. As a rule, rich people have big ambitions. Wealthy person who regularly solves complex problems, it’s fundamental to achieve success in a particular issue. If it’s a bet, they prove either to someone something, or to themselves. In the first case, often we are talking about a fundamental dispute. In the second — about the ability to beat the shop.

BS attitude

Bookmakers consider high rollers from different angles. Firstly, this is a great opportunity to make money. Most of these bettors are far from understanding professional bets. They make contributions for success, which increases the shop’s chances of success several times. And when it comes to a professional player with a great wallet.

Here the BS turns from a predator to a prey. If such a high scooter correctly predicts everything, puts in a cosmic sum and wins, then the bookmaker risks falling into a difficult financial situation or even going broke. To exclude a deplorable outcome, the shops resort to different ways of controlling this group of players.

Not all BSs are ready to cooperate with the owners of thick wallets. Domestic shops do not work with them. Among the western ones there are 3-5 large ones where such bets are held without problems. How did they manage to achieve such a result? These bookmakers turned risk into profit. 99% of high rollers are not professional betting players. These are amateurs with big money. Shop bolder perceive them as average or amateurs. However, large denominations put them at a disadvantage. 1 large installment can turn the line upside down. Bookmakers have found options.

Firstly, often high rollers are severely limited in line. They are offered great highs, protection from cutting and blocking the account, a personal manager and other advantages. In exchange, they place bids by prior agreement. You will be surprised, but high rollers often no matter what to bet on. The main thing is to have a momentous event.

Among the top matches there are many meetings where you need to adjust the ratio of contributions by market. Not enough 10,000? High roller will fix it without any problems. It is only necessary to direct it in the “right” direction. A personal bet invitation is sent and the odds are stabilized. The second option is to create an individual line for this category of players. It is built with the expectation of high stakes. The bookmaker wins on two points at once.

  • Only well-off bettors are involved in shaping market relationships. No need to care about the odds. The principle is similar to the usual line with the difference that the stakes are much higher. In this case, the odds change.
  • The risk of BS as an organizer and holder of a bank is minimized. When the average weight is average players, and the high roller wins, the shop may be in the red. Another thing is when wealthy clients of BS form their own bank. The principle of the line does not change, but the bookmaker will earn much more.

Operators treat wealthy customers ambiguously. Everything rests on their game level. A wealthy amateur for BS is manna from heaven. They can be controlled, which is in the hands of any shop. The same special offers, individual rooms and lines, personal management work fine for them. Moreover, the situation suits both. An amateur high roller increases the share of excitement, and the bookmaker replenishes its own budget. But do not forget that in this category there are professional players. We’ll talk more about why operators are wary of them.

Pro-high rollers

Bookmakers use customers with money to stabilize the odds in the line. In various ways, they channel their funds in the right direction. Another thing is when a player with big money has professional skills. They know about the rules of the formation of the line, its laws, general calculation formulas and more. Having the necessary amount, they can easily create an “emergency” situation — unplanned loading.

We remind you that loading means a significant reduction in the odds. This happens due to the large number of bets or one huge to a specific market. For example, they initially bet $20,000 on Home, and $10,000 on Away. Then, the high roller makes a contribution of $20,000 on Away, and its odds changes from 3.0 to 1.50. Unpleasant situation for a bookmaker. In each event, the tactics of the operator are viewed. It takes into account a lot of factors.

Odds are the key ones. When the balance of outcomes is turned upside down, BS loses money. This is critical for other players who have already bet on a busy market. Arbers 100% will be in the red, while others will receive much less profit.

It is not necessary that the load is initiated by a professional. It may be an unaccounted amateur. Analysts cancel their bid. There are always reasons for this. Then representatives of the bookmaker contact them, offer to enter a special group of players, fill up with bonuses. The end result is known.

Another thing when it comes to professional players. They are aware of operator monitoring methods. Initiating a load with them always has a clear goal. Reduction of one-quarter of their odds s leads to an increase in each of. Initially, lower values ​​are set for the alleged winner. If their victory is obvious, then the load is justified.

Pro high rollers register several accounts in one bookmaker. They do not shine with money. BS should see them as average players. Analyzing the line, the player stumbles upon an event that is optimal for loading. Here, amateurs and pros act differently. The first set a large amount in advance, and the second — at the end of the terms. At the same time, the opposite big bet is made from another account.

The bookmaker reveals the load, but does not have time to compensate for it. Option with cancellation is not always possible. Accounts are registered on real persons. Name accounts are attached to them. High roller sends copies of documents and receives a prize. This system is not relevant for the first year. Often it is used by teams of ordinary professionals.

How to determine the load?

A related topic that many will be interested in. The picture of the event depends on the current odds. The simplest example: usually lower odds are bet on the leader. Conclusions are drawn from a comprehensive analysis, but starting points are starting quotes. Pro-betters know that they will change in the course of a bet.

The more time before the match is, the higher the odds are. However, the player will be misinformed if they do not detect the load in time. The actual alignment of forces does not coincide with the expected picture of the development of events. The pro-better determines loads by eye. But it will not be superfluous to know how to do this with the help of additional tools.

Each market has a history of quotes. There are special services, parsing parameters in real time. With their help, the identification of the load will take seconds. There are many services, and the addresses of the best are present on the rating websites. We go to the website, select a sport, click on the odds in the table. A story of their change appears. A large jump indicates initiated loading.

Fixed matches and arbs

In the field of sports betting, it is widely believed that wealthy players participate in almost all fixed matches. This is partly true. It is enough to attract a few high rollers to make the match take place. What are they needed for? Match-fixing still carries a lot of weight in the betting world. Moreover, due to them, some betting players make good money. When working with fixed matches, it all comes down to the difficult task of finding such events.

Wealthy games win in this regard. The organizers of the matches themselves find them and offer to take part in this event. They need the financial capabilities of high rollers to reduce the risk of information leakage: they do not need to attract a large number of people. But without ordinary bettors, these events are also not complete. The total mass is needed to create an area of ​​”healthy” bets.

Arbers-high rollers are an extremely dangerous category of players for the bookmaker. These players are 100% have professional skills. Unlimited financial opportunities open up new horizons for them.

Firstly, they use advanced services. Due to this, accuracy and efficiency are achieved. Secondly, they periodically receive information about match-fixing matches and can initiate loads. In this situation, the mid-level shop may be on the verge of ruin. Thirdly, betting amounts are limited only by highs. The bookmaker restricts them individually, but late.

A set of accounts, of which there are many high rollers, lacks several passes. This is enough to stay in a good plus. At the same time, it is not easy to detect an arber. In a small shop, a wealthy client can wreak havoc through distracting maneuvers. While the administration deals with loading, an arb is being realized under its nose.

By the way, in arbitrage, professional high rollers make bets of a maximum of 2-2.5 thousand dollars. At the same time they bet in a large number of shops. The bookmaker cannot cancel all dubious bets. However, most BSs have special tactics, instructions in this regard. For example, shops often cooperate in such matters. Using the collected data in other shops, bookmakers can identify a rich pro even at the registration stage.


High rollers are players with an unlimited betting budget. However, this category cannot be called special. Yes, the bookmaker offers wealthy clients special conditions. However, not all BSs are ready to cooperate with such clients. An argument for this is the need to create a dedicated gaming space for high rollers.

Their participation in the regular line is excluded: constant overloads will lead to destabilization of the odds. Allocated space for bets is not a privilege, but a burden. The player will not be able to make an arbitrary contribution. Everything is done through recommendations, “special offers” and other levers of influence of the shop on high scooters. If such players appear in a regular line, their highs quickly cut to safe limits for BS.

Rich people with professional betting skills have a hard time. Bookmakers regard them as a potential threat to their finances. However, financial security deprives such players at the bets of fear of a big loss, opens up access to expensive services, tools. In general, high rollers are an integral part of modern betting.

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