Is Betting an Easy Thing? Read the Answer Below!

Betters, which have good inclinations, do not achieve great results due to inability to organize the workflow. Their less capable colleagues initially have no chance due to lack of necessary qualities of a successful player.

In this article, we consider the working strategies of sports betting in terms of the organization of the process itself. Here we will not consider financial and sports strategies, but we will figure out how the bettor should rationally use the time for betting.

How much time should I spend on bets?

Many players believe that for success in betting, it is obligatory to spend a lot of time studying the line, sit and watch for hours “giving birth” to the forecast. In part, this assumption is correct: the more betting, the richer the experience of bettor.

If you force yourself to sit for 4-6 hours a day and engage in only “betting”, then you can lose peace and lose sleep. Not taking into account professionals who have devoted sports betting all their lives, the average client in the shop is a person who works five days a week, having his own worries and responsibilities. It is clear that such a person has a workplace or he is studying somewhere, is engaged in family affairs. In any case, he is busy with something other than betting.

Therefore, it is wrong to hold the opinion that the more time you spend on sports betting, the more you will earn. For the same reason, many prospective players left professional betting and remained in the category of “amateurs”.

From the very beginning it is necessary to decide – how much time it will be possible to devote to sports betting. How much will this be expressed in hours per day. It is better to make at least an approximate schedule to understand that 2-3 hours, for example, is time only for sports betting.

Next, find out how much time to spend on the chosen strategy, to understand whether it is profitable to play it or not. Sports betting rates will be those if you have time to rest. Otherwise, you can quickly become saturated with them, and forecasts will not be so good. Efficiency will fall, in one word.

We set specific goals

Professional bettors try to break their activities into separate stages. At the end of each of them, they make purchases or profit with a profit. In order for the goals not to hang with weights and not put in a deadlock, they should have a time frame. This is part of the time during which this goal must be achieved. If you do not set a specific deadline, then you can long trample on one place, trying to perform only one task. And the progress in the game will significantly decrease, which should not be allowed in any case.

One specific example can be cited. If the goal is to increase the game bank by 10% or to win $ 100, then a certain time interval is assigned, for which it will be achieved. For this task, some bettors will have 2 weeks, and another – a month. Here a lot depends on their level and on the chosen strategy. It is considered normal to increase the bank by 15-20% per month.

When determining the time interval, for each goal, as many factors as possible should be taken into account. Consider your strengths, your bank’s condition, financial strategy, the sport you are going to play, the average stake, etc. Only in this case it is possible to earn real money.

It is very important that the goals and deadlines for their delivery, which are set to be feasible, otherwise nothing will come of it.

Be able to make adjustments to the plan

To make sports betting work, you need to be able to vary your game plan depending on various game events. For example, any championship that is the object of a bet begins. In this period, you should give sports bets more time, and as a result, the championship.

If you decide to go on vacation, then you can generally temporarily stop betting. Sometimes it’s useful to take your mind off this process. You can also do not all at once, but in several visits.

At work, when there is some free time, you can quickly learn the line in the most important places and outline some interesting events, which should be carefully looked at at home in the evening. Upon arrival, you can safely analyze the events with a calculator, give a forecast and make a bet.

It is important to have a stable and fast Internet in your smartphone. Thus, you can analyze the lines and, if necessary, bet on the move. If there is a suitable event, then why not make real money on it.

Collective betting

In order to simplify the game with the shop, it is useful to find the same enthusiastic partner. With him you can compete with the betting shop. Together is always easier than one. You can distribute roles. If the partner is strong in tennis, he provides reasonable predictions for tennis bets. And you, in turn, share with him bets on football.

You can agree with your assistant that he will find useful information about the upcoming game or analyze the statistics of tennis matches. For your part, you will do the same, only with football events.

Do not be greedy, if a colleague collects really valuable information (it is checked easily). It is better to give him a certain percentage of profits. It will be possible to make forecasts twice faster and more efficiently. It’s better than doing all the work alone, spending more time on it and getting less profit.

Bet on the peak of efficiency

Almost all working financial strategies for sports betting require a quick calculation of liquidity rates. The coefficients of the shop and the chances of teams are skipped through spreadsheets and calculators. As a result, it becomes clear whether it is profitable or not to bet and what amount of money is needed for betting. Do not sit for hours and count the flies. Being clumsy will only lead to a one-day prognosis that you spend the whole day without doing anything worthwhile.

Highlight a certain period of time, which entirely devote to betting, without being distracted by nothing else. It is necessary to strive to use the allotted time for bets as efficiently as possible.

Of course, the analysis of a game event is a creative process. Therefore, they are best at the peak of working activity. Then there will be no desire to postpone everything for later, and the whole process will take much less time.

For someone, the period of greatest activity begins in the early morning and lasts until lunch. Other Betters have fruitful work to start in the evening and continue until the night. What time does it not matter if it’s offline? It is necessary to find out when in the body the maximum charge of creative energy is observed and try to adjust sports rates precisely at this time.

One more important advice. It’s never worth betting and analyzing events if you’re tired enough to barely keep on your feet.

What happens to a man who gets tired driving his car? The same will be with sports investment, if they manage a “heavy head”. Everyone periodically has a feeling of fatigue and depression. In such a depressed state, just as with alcohol, you do not need to start “managing” your investments. When the body is tired (morally or physically), it does not produce anything good.

If you sit tired, make predictions only to justify yourself – this will be a gross error for which real money will have to be paid online. Better to rest first, and after that, gaining the strength and energy to start betting.

Conduct bookkeeping of bets

Engaging in sports betting, you need to know clearly how much money is spent, and how much you can win. This simple rule knows every successful bettor. Therefore, in addition to making qualitative forecasts, and the correct management of the game bank, it is necessary to keep statistics of your game.

Human psychology is designed in such a way that successful bets and other positive moments remain in memory for a long time. At the same time, the failures and lost wagers you want as soon as possible to forget, in order to extinguish the sensations associated with the loss of money.

Thus, the bettor has the illusion that he seems to play well, although he unconsciously releases his funds. When the bank merges, thoughts arise where it went. It seems that there were more wins than losses. This happens very often. Especially if you bet small amounts. To prevent this from happening, you need to keep statistics of your game – accounting bets.

The correct decision will be to make a spreadsheet in which all the bets are recorded. Some modernize the tables and get information about the most profitable championships, teams.

Upon the advent of 50,100, 500, 1000 bets, you can sum up the subtotals. First of all, you can find out the price of one or another sports strategy/chosen sport or team. On this table it is easy to determine which championship is the most profitable, and which is unprofitable. To do this, you simply add up the sum of your wins and the amount of losses, within one championship. The same will be done with another championship. You can specify the function of counting wins and losses for specific championships and get a picture of the liquidity of each of them.

Similar to the competition, you can sample by individual teams/players.

And if, as a result of the comparison, it turns out that games involving Bavaria are guessed constantly, and fights with Real are very rare, then you need to concentrate on the first team, and do not touch the second one at all.

You can improve the table by adding other fields, for example, bet types. One of the fields will allow you to determine what types of betting are profitable. Based on the results of several hundred bets, it becomes clear which of them are promising, and which are unprofitable.

For example, if it turns out that expresses from three or more positions bring only losses, in this case it is advisable to exclude them. Such screenings can increase the productivity of betting

The tablet with the field “capper” is suitable for those who cooperate with forecasters. Leading the “field” of the capper, it is easy to evaluate its work and understand what profit brings cooperation with it.

The number of fields can be added as many as you like, the more fields will be in the table, the more you can get information about your game. If you play with more than one strategy, then it is desirable to keep separate statistics for each. This will determine which of the methods used is the most productive.

Motivation in sports betting

Many players, starting to lead a very successful long-term game with the bookmaker, then threw this case halfway, just because they did not know how to behave and what to do. They did not have the mood that is characteristic of professional players. It happens with everyone.

At the beginning, many get a “break bank” time after time. Series of 6-7 consecutive victories dull vigilance. It seems that this will continue. But a little time will pass, and it turns out that there are black stripes from defeats.

Bettor has to persuade himself not to recoup large sums. He forces himself to look through the line and find suitable events. After some time, small winnings (at best) will not cause delights.

The idea of ​​uselessness of the given event will often skip in my head. If by this time the bank has already sagged, then in the future you can break. In this case, talk about the so-called “player’s crisis”.

The player’s crisis is similar to seasickness. At first everything seems to be all right, and after a while there comes nausea. One can give an example when a person gets a good, high-paying job. At first, he is delighted, and can’t fulfill his duties more diligently.

If you ask the same person on the same highly paid job exactly after 1 year – “how is it?” – you can get an absolutely indifferent answer, seasoned with a series of emotional phrases in the spirit of “how everything has already bothered”.

Sports betting is no exception in this situation, but with one big difference. If an employee suffers a similar crisis, he will not give up his high-paying job simply because this is his only source of income, without which he can’t live.

And if this crisis catches up with the player in the shop, then maybe he will not stand this psychic load, and will throw the rates in the long box.

So the human psyche is arranged, it is impossible to change it. But there are several proven, killer ways, thanks to which you can bypass the aforementioned “Player Crisis”, and in general increase your productivity by 200%.

The bettor should have a good motivation, which, as it were, “pushed” him, if he suddenly wants to stop. Of course, a good motivation for playing in an shop is to get additional money profit, but this is not the motivation that is meant.

If you put as your motive a trivial “I want to get a lot of money” – then the very process of their extraction quickly tires the human spirit. And after a while the player will fall into a stupor. Therefore, for motivation it is best to use material values ​​and those benefits that can be obtained from money. For example, a car, garage, make repairs in an apartment, etc.

To make it easier to find your motives, it is better to answer three questions:

  • What do I want to see?
  • What do I want to have?
  • Where would I like to go?

It would be good to make a list of 10-15 of their desires. Now your sports investment makes sense, and you have a list of cherished desires that you need to implement as soon as possible, but how to do it?

For each goal, count the amount of money and engage in purposeful betting. As soon as you finish with the first goal, take a break and take up the second, then the third, and so on. In the process, you can supplement your list with new desires, just do not forget to keep the sequence of their fulfillment.

Thus, while encouraging yourself all the time, you will never get into the notorious “player crisis” and do not abandon your game.

We train discipline

Perhaps the most important quality of a professional player, strangely enough, is neither resourcefulness, nor an analytical mindset, but only a discipline. This is the decisive component on which the success of all investments depends.

Discipline is a unique process of thinking and acting, which kills all the incontinence of the player, develops willpower and does not allow reconciling with the failed failure. Any bettor, by his nature can be not restrained and emotional person. But when he begins to work, he always retains restraint and equanimity.

This is especially important in working sports bets, since the risk of losing funds is implied. In betting for one careless or ill-considered decision, then you can pay a long time. Self-control must be above all.

Here is a simple example. Some players believe that if they played 8-12 bets in a row, then the so-called “luck belt” went. And they, obeying greed, begin to raise the sums of the wager to grab as much as possible. Further, when the strip of luck ceases for no reason, a series of losses begins.

And, according to the law of meanness, if it seems that there is nowhere else to fall, then it is not so. The result is the bank in the red, the bettor is sitting and biting his elbows. This was the simplest example from life, and in general such cases a dime a dozen.

Therefore, no matter what suit it is, you always need to keep control over yourself and your mind. In contrast to the above-described band of luck, each player periodically gets a bad luck line, when the rate flies one by one. Some, “replay” this period is especially difficult to give, it is understandable – anyone who wants to put up with constant losses.

Usually in such cases the player starts to look, in what the reason of its failures. It seems to do everything the same, but the result is opposite to expectations. The perplexing player finding no answer, is hammering into a corner, mistakenly believing that the fate of his sports betting career has come to an end.

In fact, everything is not so scary. Of course, with a long-term game, the players will have streaks of unsuccessful bets, but this is not a reason to give up and leave betting. With a long-term game, the losses will be automatically compensated by a series of wins. This is the law of relativity and probability theory. To betting did not have time to get bored, rationally alternate it with rest.

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