Strategies Leading to Successful Betting

There are various strategies for betting on football, using which the betters manage regularly, steadily and decently earn in betting shop. Betting operators do their best to not stay at a loss – overstate the margin, understate the coefficients, change the digital values. But choosing the appropriate tactics of the game, all these tricks can be successfully resisted and won.

However, do not forget that regardless of the chosen strategy, any successful bet is made on the basis of a correct forecast.

Are there any win-win strategies?

In fact, the strategy of betting on football can’t be a win-win. Unless “arbs” – and even then, it’s too risky option. Moreover, gambling operators do not particularly like betters making bets of this kind.

It is worth them to calculate these players, like:

  • their accounts will be closed;
  • wallets are reset;
  • re-registration is prohibited.

The player puts on all possible outcomes from different bookmakers so that the gap in the coefficients allows him to benefit and, in one way or another, stay in the black.

Here are the categories of the betting strategies for football:

  • For an extended period. As a rule, the whole bank or a large part of it is put – and, on outcomes with different coefficients. Speaking of such game tactics, you can recall Martingale, fixed profits, flat, Kelly’s criteria, bank interest.
  • During the match. In the presented case resorted to the tactics of the Martingale, the corridor, the per-minute bets. Thanks to this, you can win money quickly, increasing your bankroll by half or three times.
  • On concrete results. Here you should remember about the exact account, betting on a draw, choosing a favorite or an outsider and so on.

It should be borne in mind that all of the above tactics can’t be called win-win strategies for football betting because they are risky. That’s why it is recommended to combine long-playing bets with short-term ones, without falling into despair in case of failure.

Moreover, it is desirable to use the forecasts prepared by experienced professionals. They manage to accurately predict at least 85 percent of the sports outcomes, so that players have the opportunity to successfully deliver and steadily win.

The main strategic directions

Calling some better profitable strategy for betting on football is unrealistic: each player chooses for himself some of his specific tactics, often even combining several of them at once.


One of the most popular strategies for football, on the basis of which later betting on sports, are considered bets on angular.

Here, in particular, what is most often betting:

  • for a greater number of innings and angular;
  • on a large feed angle taking into account the plus or minus;
  • on a large supply of corners, taking into account the plus or minus in different times;
  • on the first and last feed of the corner;
  • for a period of time, in which the corner will be fed – the first and last;
  • on individual indicators of innings for each club (in terms of times);
  • at the time when the most angular will be given.

Some bookmakers are offered the opportunity to bet on strikes from the angle of the field directly in live mode. For this you need to watch the live broadcast of the match.

That’s what accent is made on the selection of one of these game tactics:

  • The statistics of the latest fights do not need to pay attention, because the game drawing in each game may be different from what was before. Of course, there is a sense to take them into account, but not to base the entire forecast.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to how this or that team plays, depending on the situation and the opponent. In those cases where the club’s playing style involves the active use of flanks, the likelihood of cornering increases.
  • It is important who represents the team’s defensive line. If the defense is technical and upscale, it will try to minimize the number of hits from the corner of the field, knocking the ball into touch.
  • Motivation of players. If the team is motivated, its game can be distinguished by high speeds, stubbornness and assertiveness. Accordingly, the number of angles will also increase.
  • Weather. Because of the precipitation, even the game of high-tech players deteriorates, the probability of errors increases, the blows from afar are most often made, goalkeepers try not to fix a wet ball in their hands, but to knock them out of the field.
  • Tactical techniques, which resorts to the coaching staff. It is important that the team is able to change the tactics used, because the strategy used against the leader is useless in the game with the outsider.

Anyway, do not rush to put the bank completely on the corner, even if you are sure that your forecast will “go down”.

Goal at the beginning of the game

Another popular strategy for forecasting in betting on football is connected with a bet on “goal scored in the first half”.

It is necessary to know that such bets are considered difficult even for “experienced” betters. But with their help it will turn out decently to earn.

Here’s what is taken into account when selecting matches, in bets on which you can use this tactic:

  • Statistics – specifically about the teams and the championship in general. For example, the study of statistics will help to find tournaments and clubs with the highest performance indicators.
  • Match selection. Some games have a very serious tournament or fundamental importance. Accordingly, they can be scored many goals, or, conversely, the voltage will be so high that the team, fearing to make a mistake, will be cautious and do not score anything.
  • Studying the odds offered by bookmakers. It is important not to be deceived in those cases when betters are specially enticed by bookmakers through false movements of the coefficient. Either such motions may have real causes.
  • Choosing a match in which favorites and outsides are obvious. Strong teams are trying at the beginning of the game to put all the points over to save energy in the future. In cases where the shop puts odds on an outsider exceeding 5.00, it is very likely that such a bet will play – respectively, and a goal at the beginning of the game is quite likely.

Most often, players use the combined stakes on the total, resorting to the tactics of the Martingale. When the first half failed to score, it is bet on 0.5 balls in each game – this will help to block the amount of the wagering prisoners and even get a certain income.

Some players like to take risks, and therefore bet on a goal scored at the very end of the game half – that is, after 35 minutes of the match. The coefficient usually rises to 2.50, which means that the amount you put can be doubled. However, without timely advice from the cappers and without viewing the online broadcast, making such bets is useless.

But concluding such wagers, be sure to look at the bank, putting no more than 5 percent. Otherwise, the risk of losing a lot is too high. You need to act wisely, slowly and not lose patience.


Among the lucrative strategies, you can recall bets on total in football. Some betters only play on totals and play.

Total is a bet that is associated with the number of certain game outcomes, expressed in numbers. More specifically, gambling operators can offer a better to think about whether the actual result of the game (or the total number of any game indicators) is greater or less than the number indicated by them.

You can bet on whole numbers, as well as numbers with tenths. But before making forecasts and betting on the totals, it is important to know that it should be based on:

  • data from analytics and statistics;
  • the specifics of the teams and the tournament in which they participate;
  • features of the chosen betting shop and its rules.

Some advise to rely on intuition, but, perhaps, this is the last thing that can be offered. If all the professionals in the betting were to base their own football strategies on some intuitive feeling, they would have been burned long ago.

Over and Under

Total Over or Under – this is one of the progressive tactics of football betting, when the bet is how many goals will be scored in the game. In parallel, they resort to a fixed profit strategy, flat, bank interest, which promotes a competent distribution of the bank.

If you are preparing to enter into such sports betting:

  • carefully select a tournament and match;
  • get acquainted with information;
  • evaluate the principle of the game;
  • learn the history of matches between the clubs that meet;
  • pay attention to what odds are offered to the sportsbook you are interested in.

In addition, such important points as weather conditions, the factor of refereeing, support for fans are important. At least, skillful cappers always take this into account when they predict who they are to bet on.

“Arbs” will also work, but make sure they are not implicit, since many operators dislike, calculate and block “arbers”.

The tactic of total is less or more often justifies itself. Along with goals in such bets, the number of corner, outs, warnings, fouls and individual indices is anticipated.

But be careful – usually the bookmaker’s margin at these bets is very high. It is difficult to predict how the events in the match will evolve: for example, if the favorite manages to score in the first minutes, he will not subsequently increase the game pace – accordingly, corners, fouls and warnings may be less.

Actually, wagers on statistics are always based on:

  • correctly selected data;
  • carefully studied information.

But without the help of professional forecasters, you can’t do without, if you plan to win not a single bet, but regularly and consistently earn on the game.

Both will score

Quite often in football, they bet that they will both score. This is even considered one of the main outcomes in the game lines of modern bookmakers. In addition to the central matches, it can even affect secondary fights.

About a quick earning with these wagers is not worth it, as the tactics are not as simple as it might seem at the very beginning.

Here’s what you need to pay attention to first:

  • Statistics on the meetings of clubs with each other and with other teams (carefully studied at least the last three matches).
  • Coefficients established by bookmakers – completely rely on them not worth it, but consider it desirable.
  • Composition of teams. This is especially important for the favorite and/or for the club, whose game is completely formed by the backbone of certain players. Their absence directly affects the final result. And, on the contrary, the team in combat composition (besides, if the players at the peak of their form) can represent a formidable unit for the opponent.
  • A detailed study of the style of teams in the defense, as well as the attacking game. Sometimes even the coolest attack “folds” before the skillfully built “stone” defense.
  • Principle of the match. Sometimes even the tournament table is not important, but simply play with each other the principal rivals – for example, representing the same city. Then it’s called derby.
  • Motivation. Sometimes a club, considered a complete outsider and found in the relegation zone, begins to demonstrate incredible willpower, “betting on the shoulder” even the leaders. Just fly to the lowest rated tournament no one wants.
  • Game schedule. Sometimes the schedule may turn out to be so unfortunate that even the favorite will “tremble”, give up and lose points – for example, several games in a row on someone else’s field.
  • Level of the tournament. Of course, it is best if the bookmaker offers leading European or Latin American championships.

In these cases, experts recommend using strategies on the dog (including the draw for a draw), live betting, using a progression system, betting on total more or less, and also a head start.

Against a draw

You can bet against a draw. This means that in a regular time, a team must win, and another – to lose.

As a rule, this outcome in bookmakers is denoted as BS12. When a draw occurs, the bet loses.

It can’t be said that the presented result is especially popular due to low coefficients (not higher than 1.50).

Here’s what to consider, speaking about the specifics of such wagers:

  • The level of football clubs and the motivational factor – for example, favorites who need glasses, will not be happy with a draw, especially in their field and in a match with an outsider (or middle peasant).
  • Principle of a sporting event.
  • Physical readiness of players, information from insiders, statistical data. It happens even that the football moments have a direct impact on the outcome of the game.

Martingale in the presented case usually do not use, because there are no prospects for such bets. Flat is also not very suitable, and, moreover, the bank interest.

Better, of course, to seek help from forecasters when they have already chosen this strategy.

Against the favorite

If you ask experienced betters about their secrets about strategies for betting on football, they can offer to bet against the favorite.

This tactic is designed for a long period. It is advisable at the same time that the player was sufficiently experienced, well versed in football, understood all the subtleties of the game and had a fairly large bank.

These bets are also called valley betting and they assume high coefficients. But you can’t do without this game:

  • The big bank – besides it is necessary to prepare for possible losses and even loose series, although with a correctly chosen strategy it will still be possible to go into a plus;
  • Careful selection of an event and careful study of the line – a superficial analysis does not exactly fit, because not all are needed, but the most special games. Sometimes important is information that, it would seem, could never come in handy. On the same line of the bookmaker should not be relied on: often odds in it are deliberately reduced.
  • Accurate forecasts from cappers. In this case, it is almost impossible to do without them, since a long distance is expected – accordingly, and the forecasting will require a strategic one. You can hope for inspiration and intuition with a single bet, but if you need to bet for a long time, you’ll have to analyze and calculate everything.
  • Specificity of team play, tournament, specific match. Sometimes even a favorite seriously reduces the chances of getting points due to these factors.

And, do not rush to bet, choosing a betting strategy. Remember that in football with all its unpredictability much can be decided in the last minutes of the game.

From the features of the presented tactics, you should choose:

  • Ambiguous selection of the game and the type of bets for the application of such a strategy. Experts recommend that the bets are ordinary or systemic. Only in these cases it is possible to break the jackpot.
  • Most often, you have to bet on “outsider’s victory” or F plus as an insurance. On a total with a high coefficient of betting is not often concluded.

Of all the strategies listed above – including tactics for corner, Martingale, draw, live betting and the fact that both teams will score – this option is not in vain considered one of the most difficult.

How do bookmakers determine the likelihood of a draw and other results? Of course, they, like the experienced betters, work in cooperation with the best cappers, thanks to the forecasts and analytics of which they put odds on certain sports events.

In live

How safe is the betting strategy for football in live? Naturally, applying this tactic, like others, you run the risk of losing if the forecasts are incorrect and the bets are unsuccessful.

Beginners who try to practice their skills in these rates, but who do not have the necessary experience for this, risk serious losses. Of course, no one is immune from failure. But they still need to learn how to survive with an eye on future success. Applying for help to professional forecasters, you immediately minimize the likelihood of large losses, since the bets made, for the most part, will win.

Strategies in live mode are not that simple. In fact, they are a set of schemes, all sorts of rules, as well as principles that allow the better to correctly analyze the situation and accurately predict the matches.

Usually betting in the life mode, betters use the Martingale, bet on the late goal, bet on the team. Without a qualitative and, importantly, operational analysis of the game, no success can be achieved precisely.


Regular financial flows to the account are secured if the betting strategy is matched correctly. In addition, do not forget that the experienced cappers, to whom you can always turn for help, know all the secrets of successful betting and they will help you choose the right strategy.

It is important to choose a legal bookmaker – just go to the link. And at the same time, beware of turning to unverified and questionable shops.

How to create such tactics that will help to win even beginners? Do not be without looking back to all successive forecasting strategies for today and tomorrow – for example, Smirnov’s system in live, tactic betting, and so on. In any case, everything must be re-checked a thousand times, analyzed and discussed with experts.

There are many other tactics that experts can advise you. The choice of this or that option depends on what sports event you have to bet, what its odds are, what bookmaker you turned to.

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