Useful Guide for Beginning Bettors and Professional Cappers

The question of winning a bookmaker worries the minds of many betters who are just beginning their ascent to the heights of wealth or already have some experience in betting. The idea of ​​winning in the betting shop is not new and, perhaps, because of your own inexperience, you are still convinced that everyone can earn in betting. If this were so, the bookmakers did not exist in the form in which we know them today – they would simply be ruined.

Let’s try to figure out why most of the clients of the betting shops are losing today, and it’s possible to win a victory over the industry with a few units?

Practice shows that in betting shops, you can really get good money, steadily win. The only problem is that one desire for victory will not be enough. The first thing you need is knowledge, without which you will not be able to do without. But even with some desires far from leaving – you need maximum discipline, diligence and resourcefulness in order to achieve success.

At this stage we see a paradox – a huge number of players simply do not realize their actions and are not able to realize the elementary truth – before you start doing something, you need to learn it.

What is really happening?

Quite often we become witnesses of a situation when a player, after reading about the grandiose winnings in bookmakers, learned only the most general information and thinks that this will allow him to win here and now.

The biggest problem is in the information. Not only is the data rapidly becoming obsolete, so there is still no holistic understanding of how the industry works, where the money comes from. As a consequence, the outcome of such an action is logical – large losses, and in particularly difficult cases, and at all ruin. And this despite the efforts. Let’s try to figure out why this happens.

A serious mistake is unwillingness or lack of perseverance in order to understand the intricacies and nuances of sports betting. If you can get lucky at the start, then, in the end, you will face a crushing failure, which will knock you out of the rut for a long time. Surprisingly, however, almost every new bookmaker client makes the same mistake. Well, if you have opened this article, you are on the right track and now we will try to figure out what to look for in the betting industry.

What do you need for success?

Practice shows that there is no universal recipe for lucrative bets in bookmakers, but there are the basic theses on which professional betting is based.

  • The first is the ability to analyze.
  • The second is the ability to quickly make the right decisions.
  • The third is to keep the situation under control.

Keep in mind that if you do not follow at least 1 rule from the above, your chances of winning at the bookmakers will be so minimal that they can even be neglected, writing off random victories for blind luck.

Very often people who have some experience of playing in betting shops are well aware of those difficult situations, when today you managed to get 100 dollars of profit, and tomorrow you will lose 150 dollars. And, worst of all, a lot of people just leave the betting sector, without even understanding the reasons for their loss. Well, if this happens before the moment when the amount of money lost in the shops goes off scale.

Most often, the reason lies in the failure of the key betting rule. You will need all the skills, experience and knowledge to win in this unequal confrontation.

Let’s analyze what connection the above points have with each other. Ability to analyze – this item has a direct impact on the success of bets.

Making the right decisions – this way you will be able to keep your money in your pocket and prevent a serious outflow.

Keep the situation under control – this item combines all of the above, the logical outcome of the first, second factor and the whole game.

Your bankroll management

Budget, allocated by you to the game is your bank. The infusion of additional funds in case of loss is unacceptable. You must competently manage your money – one of the basic theses of a winning game. People who are unable to properly manage their money, in the end can expect a crushing failure. Of course, in betting you can’t get a good profit in case you do not know how to manage your money.

If there is no correct management, you will simply waste time and money. Become scrupulous and very attentive – in matters of winning in the betting shop it will come in handy to you more than once.

The first step you need to do is to determine the size of your bank. From your budget, you need to allocate a certain amount of money, which you will dispose of in the future. Remember that your bank is a long and very serious investment in the future of your game. And if at first you can’t notice any profit, then in the future, if everything is done correctly, the profit will surpass even the most daring expectations.

Dedicated money you use only to make bets on sports – it is forbidden to take funds from here for any other needs.

Making a bet in the betting shop, you, in fact, make investments. Investments of any kind are always a risk. You need to be prepared for risk in order to prevail over the bookmaker. To my great regret, a lot of people do not realize how important a game bank is for them. Let’s try to understand this question:

  1. The bank allows you to clearly limit the amount that you are willing to risk in the betting shop.
  2. You can fully control the bets and know how much you spend and earn.
  3. The bank helps you to create the so-called reverse “course of retreat” – you can return to the previous level of the game without risking additional money.

So, the amount you can safely lose in betting is determined. It’s time to consider managing this money.

Your financial strategy

To properly manage money, you need to develop or take as a basis already a ready strategy. As you know, the goal of any strategy is to optimize the winnings and reduce the risk of bankruptcy (as well as the loss of most of the cash).

There are a lot of strategies in modern betting. Among them – the classic Flat, D’Alembert, Martingale, Kelly, a percentage of the bank. There are less common, but from this no less effective strategies, which, in effect, are modifications of classical strategies.

Professional bettors do not neglect strategies – most often, they use their own development strategies, which, however, are based on something.

How do I choose a betting strategy?

No aggression! Leave aggression aside – you can’t increase the amount of the bet after you lose. If this is a unit growth – nothing yet, but, as a rule, the strategy takes off in a geometric progression. The optimal strategy for beginners is fixed, where you can’t place more than a certain amount. For people who are more experienced,% of the bank will work – so if you increase your bank, the bet increases. If you lose – it starts to decline rapidly.

Remember that the strategy should include the so-called analysis element. Counting the size of the bet, you need to rely on something – for example, the percentage probability of winning this bet. A good option is the Kelly Criterion.

The strategy of Martingale is not for you. They are perfect for those who want to tickle their nerves, but people who want to earn on the bets, they do not fit absolutely.

Remember that all strategies are easily transformed, easily modified and modified. Most importantly – for each of the strategies you, if you test them, you need to allocate a separate bank.

Let’s start the analysis

Before you start to steadily win in the bookmaker, you must, first of all, learn to analyze everything that happens in the world of sports. From the outcome of sports games depends on your profit and you need to make the most competent forecasts. But here again, it does not do without recommendations to newcomers.

Remember, you must make predictions only for those sports that you are versed in. Agree, it is strange enough when a football fan with experience tries to make bets on hockey, in which he does not understand anything.

Soberly assess your opportunities. Answer the questions in which specific sports you understand, and what questions you can’t answer. It is necessary to distinguish several sports that you are interested in (or one, and even better – several leagues from one) and get to work.

Professional bettors do not depart from this strategy by a single step – what is the risk, if it can’t be controlled, you can’t influence it?

Quality of your forecasts

Some people, coming to betting, wrongly prioritize and begin to try to make as many sports forecasts as possible, while neglecting quality. Indeed, if you analyze more than a few dozen games in cash, you will reduce your productivity and, ultimately, well, if you do not lose anything. You can’t count on earnings.

Remember that the quantity in this case is not equal to quality. Spend more time analyzing and make 2 correct bets that will definitely play, than you bet 20 bets purely on intuition.

Not everyone can analyze sports events. This is a complex and very important work that must be done as slowly as possible, paying attention to all the details. Perhaps with increasing experience, you will be able to make a good forecast quickly, but now any rush will only lead to serious problems.

Your recipe for success

Ingredients that you need, look like this:

They, in combination, allow you to get a quality sports forecast, which will bring good money.

How to bet correctly – a guide for beginning bettors Professional betters, making a sports report, use the starting point – it’s the statistics of teams. This is done not only by players, but also by bookmakers, which form their line purely on statistics. It is the right analysis that will allow you to evaluate the strength of athletes and teams.

We will give you advice on how to save time on analysis without losing the result. The thing is that you do not need statistics for the entire time of the game – use the data for the last 3-4 games. Working with team sports, always look at who is in the team, because the presence or absence of a player on the game seriously affects the team’s game.

Analyzing a game event

Let’s think logically and think a little – what can influence the outcome of the game? The factors influencing the outcome can be either indirect or direct. Indirect factors are force majeure, to which you can’t influence and which can’t be foreseen.

To force majeure refers to the snow falling in the summer, the injuries received by the athletes. Even the fans on the platform can have an impact on the game and, what is most sad, you will not be able to foresee this in advance. In part, this is offset by direct factors that are required to be included in your own forecast.

As a rule, this applies to the sports team, which will be released on the field, or the judging staff. State of health of players, their shape, morale, motivation, personal relationships and much more.

To questions of intuition

Every professional bettor has a developed sense of intuition – you can’t argue with this. Very often they only need to look at the line in order to predict the outcome. If something tells you inside, what you need to bet on this outcome, and not on what else – listen to this voice, look, maybe your intuition is right?

Having perfected your skills, you will use intuition as a tool that will allow you to correct your own forecast. Dynamic development, rapidly growing experience and development of intuition – this is your secret of success. New experience develops your individual qualities – you can notice it as you grow.

Summarize the section – listen to your inner voice at the stage of choosing a sporting event in the line of bookmakers. It happens so when, when opening a line, you see a suitable match with good odds, but intuition says – go away, give up the event. Listen to yourself, refuse to bet. You are, however strange it may sound, most reliable assistant for yourself.

On the importance of accounting

For betting on sports in bookmakers, you need to know how much you give and how much you get. Statistics of your game is very important – you need to carefully consider the accounting of bets and, most importantly, learn from those mistakes that you allow (whether by will or not).

Quite a lot of clients of betting shops daily come on the same rake and, at the same time, no one wants to stop even for a minute with the purpose of analysis – why does money drain so quickly? If you tend to write off your constant losses on bad luck – perhaps you need to abandon betting and look towards other industries?

Horrible logic, but it takes place to be – they say, I will continue to bet and one day I will win so much that it will pay back previous defeats.

Are you pretending to win in the betting shop and the title of a professional, successful player? Do not hesitate to analyze the bets not only in the past, but also in the future – so you will avoid the risk of repeating your mistakes in the future. Have you lost? You must have an answer that this time led you to defeat. In the future, you will be able to avoid it.

What is the “advantage” over the bookmaker’s line?

At its core, the advantage is the “price” of the game. In other words, how much money do you win or lose from the original amount?

Here you can’t do without a living example. There are two players. The first wins in 80% of cases, but the second – only in 45% of cases. It may seem that the first player is more successful, but this is fundamentally wrong. The thing is that the average coefficient for the bet reaches 1.2, but the second player has an average coefficient of 2.3.

We start to count:

The first player: 80% * 1.2-1 = 0.96-1 = -0.04. Output: -4%

Second player: 45% * 2.3-1 = 1.035-1 = 0.03. Output: 3.5%.

We get that, despite the differences in the number of winning bets, the first player with every 100 dollars loses the bookmaker 4 dollars, but the second player, despite a more modest percentage, wins 3.5.

Do you want to earn money in bookmakers? Believe in your success and do not retreat in the middle of the road. You will have many problems when climbing to the pedestal of success, but you can’t deviate from the planned path. History knows a lot of cases when quite a lot of betters, being unable to cope with themselves, refused to do analysis and whether they threw all the work, because they did not have enough confidence to reach the finals.

Sports betting is a very complex industry, which has a lot of difficulties. You need to learn how to overcome them. To go hundreds of kilometers, you need to take one small step. Do not turn off the path, go constantly.

You have a goal – to make a profit on the bets. Do not give up on this goal, believe in yourself, analyze and learn something new discipline – this is what you need, this is something you can’t do without.

What is the discipline for the bettor?

In front of us we have a truly unique process of action and thinking, which simply kills intemperance on the root. Discipline helps you temper yourself, develop willpower and does not allow you to put up with a loss. Professional players can’t be disciplined, this is the main guarantee of success. If you do not have this quality, start working on its development!

Beware of recycling. Yes, of course, at the initial stage (especially when you are lucky), you are full of energy and are eager to fight. However, over time, fatigue takes its toll and you start to get tired of all these numbers, analysis, parsing strategies. The so-called professional burnout leads you to a crisis situation and you may even have a desire to completely throw betting, even if it brings you money.

Do not want this to happen? It is important to take a responsible approach to your rest. Form a goal for yourself and after you reach it, take a pause. Take care of your favorite business, go somewhere, take a walk with friends, relax in the company. Returning to the industry refreshed, you can crush the betting shops and earn even more.

Do not forget about your qualifications – constantly develop your skills. Remember that there is not much experience and knowledge – you need to develop intuition, analytics and many other qualities that will benefit you and dividends.

Do not be afraid of experiments, but approach them responsibly and reasonably. And do not forget to dispose of your winnings somehow – after all, we get money not only for the sake of money, but for the sake of achieving some higher goals, is not it?

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