Video Tutorials on Betting: Time Wasted or Saved?

Making bets on sports is the dream of many people. And what? You sit at home at the computer in a comfortable environment, or even on the bed with a phone in your hands, make a few bets a day and get paid for it. The maximum takes 3-4 hours a day, no 8-hour workdays, an evil boss and an early rise. This is how it looks in the theory of newcomers who have just begun to learn the world of betting, it seems to them that they have found a gold mine and will soon quit their hated job.

Alas, after just a few bets, almost everyone will be disappointed. The favorites, it turns out, do not win constantly, goals do not happen in every mast, and handicap often does not break through. And exotic bets for the time of the goal, the author of the goal and so on generally win in very rarely. Usually here comes the understanding that you need to learn the art of betting in order to become a professional and learn how to get a steady income.

Many for training choose thematic articles on websites, others visit forums and other specialized sites. Someone even learn from their mistakes by investing large sums. We recommend still watching training videos for bets, their benefits are invaluable for the future professional player.

Information. The video format is considered one of the most convenient ways to replenish the luggage of knowledge.

Maybe I’m “dumb”?

We make a reservation right away, we do not want to insult anyone or humiliate with this subheading, it only most accurately and vividly displays the contents of the chapter. And it’s no secret that many people are too critical of themselves and often report that they simply cannot be untrained, and that they prefer to stay away from them as far as possible.

Such players can put themselves at a loss for years without even trying to change something and learn how to do it more meaningfully. Well, after all, all the same, I’m not a very smart person, what should I take? We hasten to please, most often the success of training does not depend on intellectual abilities, only a different approach and format is needed, then everything will turn out.

It has long been assumed that study is a bunch of textbooks, notebooks, reading a large number of materials, sleepless nights, homework. In the case of sports betting, the situation is exactly the same — there are a lot of text materials on the net, books on betting, courses, forums, articles and much more. Of course, their benefit and contribution to the development of the player is huge, many professionals begin their journey this way. We also recommend that you do not neglect training materials and get to know them constantly, increasing your own qualifications.

But at the same time, one cannot but admit that not all people perceive the text equally well. Some simply do not like to read, and they cannot be forced to do this by any force, others are too lazy, others cannot process such a format of information. In a word, not everyone can boast of having read at least a couple of articles about betting, not to mention books. It is very difficult for them to do their homework, analyze the text and work with articles. Hence the profound conclusion: can I be “dumb”?

Answer. There is no “dumb”, just need a different training format. And most often it is a video format.

I’m not like the others

Each person is individual and has their own character traits and behaves differently. There are features of the perception and processing of information, its analysis and sorting with subsequent storage and application in practice. But something we went into the scientific jungle, we hope that everything is clear. To put it simply, everyone has to learn in their own way, and not go after the crowd, just because most people said so.

It was already mentioned above that the text format is not suitable for everyone. But the video format, that is, training with the help of videos, can perfectly fit. As practice shows, some people perceive information much more easily as video, it is important for them to visually look at teaching materials and listen to lecturers, rather than pore over textbooks and read articles. We can say that this approach is an excellent alternative to classical educational programs that do not take into account the characteristics of a single student.

With the help of commercials, even a wagering player can take a different look at the betting world. From the point of view of a professional, not an amateur. The first one provides themselves with systemic earnings and can allow them to leave work, the second constantly loses money and feeds the bookmakers. So which option is better? The answer is obvious. Therefore, if the training on standard methods did not go, do not be upset, you should definitely pay attention to the videos, which will become literally a salvation for many.

Reference. How can a player understand that a video is more suitable for them? Very simple — through trial and error. But in general, everyone understands their own characteristics, so giving advice here is inappropriate.

Have you read it to here? Cool!

Yes, yes, it’s cool that you read it to here, especially if you are the very person who does not perceive textual information well. It was about them that we crucified in the previous two chapters. And if without a joke, then the player may have already realized that articles and books are not suitable for them, but it’s much more pleasant and easier to watch visuals.

If so, you can’t read the next layer of information, but go to study by video, time does not wait, you need to become a professional as soon as possible. Only without fanaticism, training should bring real benefits, the materials must be firmly caught in the memory. However, we advise you to read the article to the end, then there will be much more advice and interesting information.

We draw logical conclusions on the section and combine all the information into several abstracts:

  • There are no “dumb” and untrained people. Everyone needs an individual approach.
  • Not everyone can use the usual format recommended in most cases: texts, articles, books. But this does not mean that they are bad, just do not fit.
  • In most cases, an alternative to text materials is videos. They have the same training, but only in a different format.
  • Some players find it easier to learn and learn from the video. Many even manage to grow to a professional level, while reading a minimum of material.
  • It is not worth putting yourself on the cross in the bargains, if there is no desire to learn. Maybe just start watching videos?

From here we make the main conclusion: videos on bets primarily help those who cannot, due to their nature, learn from books and articles.

On a note. There is no shortage of video material about bets. You can literally start with the basics and get to professional videos. Our project also has its own channel, which is regularly updated.

You will know a lot, soon you will get rich!

The well-established popular expression says: if you know too much, you’ll get old too soon! it is often used in relation to people who ask questions all the time, try to learn something new, or go out of their way. Thus, the ardor of an overly curious person is cooled.

However, this does not apply to bets; here, curiosity is not just condemned, but rather encouraged. After all, the player, learning something new constantly, improves, hones their skills, learns not to make mistakes and accumulates valuable information, which helps to increase the patency of bets, and this is a significant gain. Therefore, paraphrasing folk wisdom, we can safely say: you will know a lot, you will soon be enriched.

We do not claim that a large store of knowledge in itself will bring wealth, you need to be able to use it and conduct competent financial management. But still, knowledge is primary, without them nothing can be achieved in bets. A game of luck — 100% loss of all the money, sooner or later they will flow to the account of the bookmaker. That is why even seasoned professionals are constantly trained and devote a lot of time to this. After all, betting is constantly evolving, growing, new trends appear. What was relevant yesterday today may no longer work at all.

Fact. Continuous training is the key to success in sports betting. You need to keep your finger on the pulse and never let it go, otherwise you can stay behind the board.

Study, study and study again

It was not in vain that Comrade Lenin urged everyone to study, and thrice, he understood as well as possible that without knowledge, success and victory could never be achieved. This can easily be attributed to sports betting, where you need to understand the basics of betting, strategies, principles of the BS, the formation of odds and postulates of probability theory. Without this knowledge, it is difficult to imagine a professional who is consistently making a living. Rather, one cannot imagine at all, this is nonsense.

But from what sources to draw the knowledge so necessary for us? The answer will be standard:

  • Thematic educational portals. Materials for both beginners and professionals are compiled here.
  • Forums Live communication with colleagues is one of the best methods for broadening one’s horizons.
  • Books. Needless to say, books are a storehouse of knowledge, which stores a bunch of useful information. It is a pity that not everyone reads them.

These will be standard tips in most cases. We will also mention video materials, often they are undeservedly forgotten, and yet this is also an excellent source of knowledge.

For your information. The videos cover topics for beginners and professionals. You can even learn to bet from scratch, watching exclusively video.

It’s hard to be a god

It is no secret that in articles and books on betting almost all important points and nuances are covered. You can learn from them and not feel deprived. Many do this, just read and expand their horizons, not considering it necessary to spend time also on commercials. Their logic is simple: why watch what I have already read. We fundamentally disagree with this, there are materials that do not exist in text format, that is, original ones. And they contain valuable information, to miss it will be great stupidity.

Experienced players never neglect videos, if a new product is released, it is necessary to study it. If something worthwhile, take note, carefully review and put it in memory. Thus, they go ahead of those who do not bother to search for quality videos. Similarly for beginners, many simply study the theory in articles, and in fact, the videos sometimes contain very valuable information that helps to quickly learn the basics of betting and protects against significant errors.

Concluding the chapter, it is safe to say that training on videos is an important and necessary lesson. It broadens the horizons of a professional, and helps a novice quickly accumulate the necessary knowledge. Sometimes only in the video there are unique materials that will be very useful.

A player who is fond of training video materials works much more efficiently with bets and quickly learns betting.

I’m a bummer, what should I do

Video betting training suggests that a player sits in a chair in front of a computer and relaxes watching a “movie” with useful information. No special gestures need to be performed, there is no need to read, strain eyesight and turn pages. Well, or as an option, lying on the bed, with a phone in their hands. In general, the conditions are comfortable, study and study. However, it is still connected with mental activity, the brains work, analyze information. And as a result, fatigue comes. The head requires rest.

Many begin to blame themselves for being lazy people, that they can’t simply watch a few minutes of the video, and so on and so forth. Some do not accept the video format at all, considering it a waste of time. But here you can also spend time with benefit, without learning anything in the literal sense of the word. Contradiction? Not at all, now we will explain everything.

What does the average layman watch on the Internet in video format? Some seek advice on how to do something, for example, to replace the faucet in the bathroom with their own hands, while others enjoy cats, young children and various jokes in order to have a good time, that is, have fun. They give rest to the head and relax.

There is such a misconception that videos on bets are exclusively educational and boring. But this is not so, there is a lot of content aimed at entertainment. That is, the video is about betting, but it is entertaining in nature. But what good is it? Let’s get it right.


According to statistics, entertaining video content is an unchanging leader of views among ordinary people. So why betting should be an exception? Fans of sports betting also have all sorts of jokes and funny videos designed to make users laugh and relax. Or just interesting and fascinating videos that you can watch at your leisure. What does this relate to?

  • Crazy wins. When the odds “arrive” with a value of several thousand. For example, a quote of $2,500 is set at $100, which brings the player $250,000. You can always look at such materials and be happy for a colleague, or maybe even envy.
  • Epic failures. The videos “go in” especially well, once someone loses weighty sums with very low odds. For example, a bet of $1,000 with a quote of 1.05 is unsuccessful. To gloat over others’ failures is a common thing in betting. True, it is not negative, but rather condescending.
  • A variety of experiments. Someone can test an interesting strategy for sports, try to bet on all outsiders in the game day, and so on. Such materials are very interesting to watch.
  • Various correspondence with bookmaker support services. There may be curses, outright insults, and so on.
  • Correspondence with the scammers: sellers of match-fixing, promotion of accounts by super forecasters and similar contingent.

Plus any other entertaining videos, the imagination of users knows no bounds. But the content does not have to be funny, often it is just interesting. For example, the text of the anthem of the Champions League with music and original performance. Wouldn’t it be cognitive to find out what they are singing about? Yes, and no one canceled the aesthetic pleasure.

You can independently create interesting videos and put them on public display. Here, not only moral satisfaction, but also material, if you connect advertising and increase the number of views.

So, what’s the benefit to me?

Many readers may have thought: what good is it for me? How can they even help? Am I reading two chapters of praise about entertainment content in vain? We hasten to inform: no, not in vain. It’s time to talk about the positive aspects of watching exciting videos. First off, it’s just interesting. You can relax after a long analysis of sporting events, nothing gives a charge to the brain like a good video.

Secondly, even in entertainment materials there is a practical benefit, along with their fascination they carry an educational component. Looking through other people’s bad bets, the user will learn not to commit them. And with the help of experiments, it’s realistic to see if a strategy or technique works, then make a decision, use it, or refuse. Perhaps you can create your own tactics that will bring good profit.

Thirdly, it has long been proven that fun and lightweight materials are easy to remember and learn much faster than boring and rigorous lessons. They don’t need to try to understand, everything goes at the usual pace, especially since the person does not seem to try to deliberately benefit, it happens naturally (if we may say so). In a word, jokes and funny materials are stored in memory seriously and for a long time. Therefore, if there is no desire to watch educational content at all, you can pay attention to entertainment.

Does anyone still doubt that entertainment videos are of real use?

Eureka! Found!

We have already mentioned that sometimes in video format it is realistic to find original materials that simply are not given in a text version. Most often this is due to the laziness of the creators, or the inability to write correctly, but we do not blame them, because it is impossible to be universal. Someone just writes, others only shoot videos and post them on the Internet. Their value is that in most cases they cover not only general topics, such as how to properly arrange a coupon and register in a specific BS. And there are also unique materials, for example, features of African football, how to avoid blocking by arbs and the like.

Having found something original, it remains only to exclaim: found! And be sure to familiarize yourself with the video, it will have significant benefits in all respects: both educationally and in professional growth. Well, it will simply entertain and distract from difficult betting everyday life. But this does not mean that we urge to search only for original content, rather, it’s like a cherry on a cake, adds an elegant taste and serves as a good addition to the main educational content.

Is it worth writing about it?

The usefulness of the original materials is obvious to everyone, even to those who came to the world of betting an hour ago. It is clear that they carry information that is not anywhere else, which means it is certainly valuable. Such good things cannot be scattered. So is it worth writing about the benefits of such videos? Just in case, we’ll mention a few sentences, if anyone will be interested.

  • Unique, meaning the only one in nature that no longer exists. And everything unique requires a detailed study, because there lies valuable information that is of obvious benefit to the player.
  • The original video is interesting to watch on its own. Even if it is about some uninteresting topic, for example, on probability theory. Anyway, unique information will be fascinating.
  • It is just good for professional growth. Even people who earn tens of thousands of dollars a week will find it useful to get acquainted with content that has not yet appeared.
  • Beginners will be able to make something useful for themselves if the information is not intended exclusively for professionals.
  • This can serve as an impetus for the recognition of errors, the development of new strategies. Here is an example: a player for a long time can’t profit from the technique, and then a video comes out explaining why it is bad. The user understands their mistakes and does not return to this topic.

Of course, it is difficult to say that all original materials are useful and interesting. There are also unique videos that do not carry any benefit in themselves, but created just to be. You need to stay away from them, this is really a waste of time. They can be recognized very simply — according to negative reviews, if many write that the information is bad, it should not be opened.

On the contrary, a lot of positive reviews, likes and comments indicate that the video was to the taste of users and it is really useful.

Do not slow down!

Let’s move away from the topic a bit and talk about school and physics lessons. For example, there is a lesson on the subject of “inertia”, in the textbook a bunch of formulas and definition: the property of an object to remain in the reference systems at rest or in uniform rectilinear motion in the absence of external influences… and the like. Is anything clear? Didn’t break your head? Here what we’re talking about, to understand what it is about by the book is pretty hard. Suppose the teacher included filmstrip, on which graphically shows how a man almost fell off the bench in the train because it braked sharply. This is called “inertia”. More clear? Without a doubt.

Similarly for sports betting, some betting points, certain strategies, training materials are much easier to explain in video format. That is, visual information is easier to digest than a long and tedious text with a bunch of terms and possible formulas. A vivid example is the notorious probability theory, which is very important in betting, but which is incredibly difficult to master if you do not have the appropriate education. But there are vivid videos on this subject that explain science in simple terms, so that even humanities can master it in the shortest possible time.

If you study all the necessary materials exclusively in the text, then you can get stuck in a topic for a long time and, as a result, still do not understand it.

All ingenious is simple

The player wanted to consider a strategy that they liked and seemed to them very promising. And, lo and behold, it is available completely free of charge, and even with a detailed text explanation. What else do you need to immerse yourself in training? It is correct that the material is understandable and easily digestible, it is advisable not to spend more than a few hours on it, otherwise it will not be of particular benefit.

There are really high-quality articles written at the highest level, they are nice to study, but there are materials, as in the example with inertia: many formulas, screenshots, incomprehensible definitions. You are tormented to analyze and systematize everything.

But here videos come to the rescue, it is much easier to express even complex materials in them. The author does not need to take screenshots and describe a bunch of formulas, they clearly show their bets on the example of a bookmaker, along the way, tell what needs to be done at every step.

Thus, the player quickly learns the strategy and they come to understand what and how to bet. It takes literally half an hour, at the same time it would take several hours, or even days, to study the text. While raking in the screenshots, until you reach the end of the article, until you understand all the main points. So that some techniques are easier and easier to learn in the format of clips, this is another advantage.

Some points in betting, strategies and other materials are best explained with the help of videos, so they are easier and more understandable. This is another advantage of the video format.

Cleaning the grain from the chaff

As already mentioned, videos are not only useful and interesting, there are still not very good materials that should be avoided like fire. They will only lead to a waste of time and disappointment. So, what you need to know before watching video clips:

  • If the content lasts several hours in a row, it will tire and is unlikely to be beneficial. Many will not even open it. The optimal size is 5-20 minutes. In an extreme case, half an hour. If the material requires a more thorough approach, it should consist of several parts.
  • Design plays an important role. The video should be bright and attractive, with a brief description, with a high-quality announcement. If the material is made very badly, this is an occasion to bypass it, most likely, the creators did not make much effort.
  • Hackneyed topic. If the video talks about some well-known fact, it is unlikely to be interesting.
  • Language is the main wealth. An off-screen voice, that is, the speaker’s personality, plays a large role. They must confidently present the material, not stutter, have good diction and a pleasant voice.
  • Not the last role is played by the material itself, its presentation. There should be visual actions on the screen, highlight important points with text, show the necessary information. Musical accompaniment is considered good form.

But most importantly — user reviews, the number of views. The more positive opinions, the better, plus the presence of comments, likes and subscribers.


We talked about what training video in bets is, how it helps, about its benefits and why you should definitely watch it. We hope you have no doubt left. If you still have one, read the article again, but more carefully.

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